Before embarking on a career in law, Boštjan Rejc worked in the business sector where he gained in-depth specialist expertise in commodities trading. Today, Boštjan is an attorney-at-law, specialising in commercial law with extensive experience in the areas of corporate and commercial contract law, intellectual property law and energy law. As part of his specialisation, he frequently advises and represents both domestic and foreign clients operating in a wide variety of commercial sectors (food industry, trade, energy industry, freight forwarding, publishing), with respect to their transactions, negotiations and harmonisations, as well as dealings with state authorities.
Perseverance, experience and a broad skillset are the qualities that distinguish Boštjan as an attorney-at-law.



  • commercial law
  • corporate / M&A
  • energy law
  • intellectual property and IT law
  • compliance
  • Slovenian
  • English
  • Croatian
  • Serbian
  • Bosnian
»Boštjan Rejc has ‘broad experience in the energy sector’ and leads the real estate and IP teams.« (Legal 500, Legal Market Overview, Tier 3, 2018)

»Boštjan Rejc is a type of lawyer who goes to great lengths to meet client's interests. He is goal oriented and keeps his client's best interest at heart. The advice he provides is always practical and business oriented. What also impressed me was his unwavering integrity.« (IFLR 1000, Financial and Corporate, Notable firm, 2017)

Rejc, Boštjan. 2014. Nedopustno rušenje zaupanja v delo odvetnikov. Odvetnik 16 (5): 36–37.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Ali je bianko menica tudi menica po ustavni odločbi? Pravna praksa: PP 32 (22): 15–16.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Neodvisnost sodstva je lahko zgolj relativna, nadzor pa nujen. Pravna praksa: PP 15 (4): 32–34.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Nedopustnost pobotanja strankinih sredstev s strani odvetnika. Odvetnik 15 (3): 39–41.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2012. Zbornica kot branik neodvisnega odvetništva. Odvetnik 14 (2): 6–7.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2012. Ogledalo: kdo je tu nor? Pravna praksa: PP 31 (13): 9–10.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2011. Nadaljevanje postopkov zoper družbenike izbrisanih družb po ZFPPIPP je treba takoj ustaviti. Pravna praksa: PP 30 (48): 6–8.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2011. Aktivna legitimacija kolektivne organizacije po ZASP. Pravna praksa: PP 30 (24/25): 19–21.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2007. Informacijska tehnologija in/ali pravica do naravnega sodnika. Pravna praksa: PP 26 (3): 14–15.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2005. Prepoved anatocizma. Pravna praksa: PP 24 (9): X–XII.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2003. Odpravnina poslovodji po ZGD. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (13): 13–14.

Rejc, Boštjan and Tomaž Petrovič. 2003. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (3): 7–9.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2003. Skladiščnica, banke in agroživilska panoga. Bančni vestnik 52 (9): 17–21.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2002. Spregled pravne osebnosti kapitalske gospodarske družbe. Pravnik 57 (6/8): 437–451.

Rejc, Boštjan and Tomaž Petrovič. 2002. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 21 (20): 7–9.

Rejc, Boštjan. 1999. Davek na dodano vrednost na finančne storitve. Bančni vestnik 48 (4): 7–11.

Rejc, Boštjan. 1996. Ustanovitev podružnic v skladu z Drugo bančno direktivo. Bančni vestnik 45 (6):29–33.


Before embarking on a career in law, Boštjan Rejc worked in the business sector where he gained in-depth specialist expertise in commodities trading. Today, Boštjan is an attorney-at-law, specialising in commercial law with extensive experience in the areas of corporate and commercial contract law, intellectual property law and energy law. As part of his specialisation, he frequently advises and represents both domestic and foreign clients operating in a wide variety of commercial sectors (food industry, trade, energy industry, freight forwarding, publishing), with respect to their transactions, negotiations and harmonisations, as well as dealings with state authorities.
Perseverance, experience and a broad skillset are the qualities that distinguish Boštjan as an attorney-at-law.



Areas of work+
  • commercial law
  • corporate / M&A
  • energy law
  • intellectual property and IT law
  • compliance
  • Slovenian
  • English
  • Croatian
  • Serbian
  • Bosnian
Awards and client commendations+
»Boštjan Rejc has ‘broad experience in the energy sector’ and leads the real estate and IP teams.« (Legal 500, Legal Market Overview, Tier 3, 2018)

»Boštjan Rejc is a type of lawyer who goes to great lengths to meet client's interests. He is goal oriented and keeps his client's best interest at heart. The advice he provides is always practical and business oriented. What also impressed me was his unwavering integrity.« (IFLR 1000, Financial and Corporate, Notable firm, 2017)

Rejc, Boštjan. 2014. Nedopustno rušenje zaupanja v delo odvetnikov. Odvetnik 16 (5): 36–37.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Ali je bianko menica tudi menica po ustavni odločbi? Pravna praksa: PP 32 (22): 15–16.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Neodvisnost sodstva je lahko zgolj relativna, nadzor pa nujen. Pravna praksa: PP 15 (4): 32–34.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2013. Nedopustnost pobotanja strankinih sredstev s strani odvetnika. Odvetnik 15 (3): 39–41.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2012. Zbornica kot branik neodvisnega odvetništva. Odvetnik 14 (2): 6–7.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2012. Ogledalo: kdo je tu nor? Pravna praksa: PP 31 (13): 9–10.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2011. Nadaljevanje postopkov zoper družbenike izbrisanih družb po ZFPPIPP je treba takoj ustaviti. Pravna praksa: PP 30 (48): 6–8.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2011. Aktivna legitimacija kolektivne organizacije po ZASP. Pravna praksa: PP 30 (24/25): 19–21.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2007. Informacijska tehnologija in/ali pravica do naravnega sodnika. Pravna praksa: PP 26 (3): 14–15.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2005. Prepoved anatocizma. Pravna praksa: PP 24 (9): X–XII.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2003. Odpravnina poslovodji po ZGD. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (13): 13–14.

Rejc, Boštjan and Tomaž Petrovič. 2003. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 22 (3): 7–9.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2003. Skladiščnica, banke in agroživilska panoga. Bančni vestnik 52 (9): 17–21.

Rejc, Boštjan. 2002. Spregled pravne osebnosti kapitalske gospodarske družbe. Pravnik 57 (6/8): 437–451.

Rejc, Boštjan and Tomaž Petrovič. 2002. Verižna kompenzacija je običajen način izpolnitve. Pravna praksa: PP 21 (20): 7–9.

Rejc, Boštjan. 1999. Davek na dodano vrednost na finančne storitve. Bančni vestnik 48 (4): 7–11.

Rejc, Boštjan. 1996. Ustanovitev podružnic v skladu z Drugo bančno direktivo. Bančni vestnik 45 (6):29–33.
