11. 9. 2015

In Anticipation of the Adoption of the New Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights Act

Substantial changes are expected in the field of collective organisations, such as SAZAS, which are responsible for collective management of copyright and other related rights in Slovenia. As reported by the media (24ur.com), “Is the end of the monopoly of SAZAS approaching?”. Apart from SAZAS, several other collective organisations exist in Slovenia for copyright and other related rights, e.g. AIPA, IPF, SAZOR and ZAMP.
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11. 9. 2015

Scholarship Providers: Don’t Forget to Submit a Report on Scholarships for the Academic Year 2014/2015

Pursuant to the Scholarship Act (ZŠtip-1) in force since 2014, all providers of scholarships who award scholarships based on a regulation other than the ZŠtip-1 are obliged to file an annual report on their scholarship recipients in a particular academic year with the Slovene Human Resources Development and Scholarship Fund (hereinafter: the Fund). This reporting obligation applies inter alia to employers that grant corporate and other scholarships in accordance with their internal acts and regulations, to entrepreneurs, to public and private institutes and foundations, as well as to several other entities, as long as they have at least one scholarship recipient.
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11. 9. 2015

Unified Rules on Cross-Border Succession in the European Union

Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions, and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession (the Regulation on succession), effective from 17 August onwards, strives to simplify the proceedings related to cross-border successions in the EU (Great Britain, Ireland, and Denmark do not participate in the Regulation).
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